New study says 30 million people held in modern day slavery euronews 1:31 11 years ago 2 911 Далее Скачать
What is Modern Slavery? (30 Oct 2012) UCL Minds Lunch Hour Lectures 36:38 12 years ago 4 177 Далее Скачать
‘I live off £30 a month’: Nearly 4 million people in UK experienced ‘destitution’ last year Channel 4 News 14:42 1 year ago 2 453 276 Далее Скачать
30 million women and children woke up in trafficking #shorts #humantraffickingawareness #trafficking Dignity Made 0:50 1 year ago 188 Далее Скачать
Busting the Human Rights and Modern Slavery Myths 30 July 2020 Edge Impact 1:25:55 4 years ago 237 Далее Скачать
Using technology to fight modern slavery: MTV EXIT Google Singapore 1:53 11 years ago 3 318 Далее Скачать
Here's how millions are trapped in modern-day slavery in Pakistan. #pakistan #brickmaking #slavery Insider 0:48 1 year ago 71 100 Далее Скачать
Modern Slavery is closer than you think: Understanding Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Home Office 7:01 10 years ago 311 563 Далее Скачать
The Modern Slave Trade: Public Health Impacts Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 1:06:54 9 years ago 1 181 Далее Скачать
What will it take to stamp out modern slavery? | The Stream Al Jazeera English 25:31 Streamed 2 years ago 12 108 Далее Скачать
Stephen Davies argues that slavery and imperialism can't explain modern prosperity Human Progress 0:59 1 year ago 1 031 Далее Скачать